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Hire Codeigniter Developer

Parameters Hourly Weekly Monthly
Duration Hour Basis 40 hours 160 hours
Communication Phone, Whatsapp, Gtalk, Skype, E-mail
Min Hiring Period 20 hours 1 week 1 month
Project Trackers Daily Reports, Basecamp, Asana, Worksnaps, Mantis
Price 15 USD 12 USD 10 USD

Select Parameters

  • Duration
  • Communication
  • Min Hiring Period
  • Project Trackers
  • Price
  • Hour Basis
  • Phone, Whatsapp, Gtalk, Skype, E-mail
  • 20 hours
  • Daily Reports, Basecamp, Asana, Worksnaps, Mantis
  • 15 USD
  • 40 hours
  • Phone, Whatsapp, Gtalk, Skype, E-mail
  • 1 week
  • Daily Reports, Basecamp, Asana, Worksnaps, Mantis
  • 12 USD
  • 160 hours
  • Phone, Whatsapp, Gtalk, Skype, E-mail
  • 1 month
  • Daily Reports, Basecamp, Asana, Worksnaps, Mantis
  • 10 USD

Codeigniter Developer

Codeignitor is the application framework which is generally used for faster development of projects through a wide range of libraries as well as reduces the amount of coding. Our Codeignitor programmer embedded this PHP framework for providing you with a website which will run faster and improves the performance of the website in the online marketing world.

Codeigniter Customization

Our expert team of CodeIgniter makes use of the different open-source frameworks for developing highly functional and fully customized PHP-based web applications relied on the MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture.

Need more information about PSD to Codeigniter Theme and to Hire Web Developer? Contact-us or for PSD to Codeigniter Theme Implementation.

  • PSD to Codeigniter theme customization.

  • Codeigniter theme creation.

  • Codeigniter custom module development.

  • Codeigniter theme/ template integration.

  • Codeigniter module installation.

  • Codeigniter CMS development & system design.

  • Codeigniter blog customization.

  • Codeigniter driven existing website modification.

Quick Enquiry

Our Process Timeline

Preliminary Requirements


Design The Requirements

Approvals & Revisions


Themeing & Customization

Functionality Development and Testing


Project Launch


Preliminary Requirements


Design The Requirements


Approvals & Revisions


Themeing & Customization


Functionality Development and Testing


Project Launch