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Hire Presta Shop Developer

Parameters Hourly Weekly Monthly
Duration Hour Basis 40 hours 160 hours
Communication Phone, Whatsapp, Gtalk, Skype, E-mail
Min Hiring Period 20 hours 1 week 1 month
Project Trackers Daily Reports, Basecamp, Asana, Worksnaps, Mantis
Price 12 USD 10 USD 8 USD

Select Parameters

  • Duration
  • Communication
  • Min Hiring Period
  • Project Trackers
  • Price
  • Hour Basis
  • Phone, Whatsapp, Gtalk, Skype, E-mail
  • 20 hours
  • Daily Reports, Basecamp, Asana, Worksnaps, Mantis
  • 12 USD
  • 40 hours
  • Phone, Whatsapp, Gtalk, Skype, E-mail
  • 1 week
  • Daily Reports, Basecamp, Asana, Worksnaps, Mantis
  • 10 USD
  • 160 hours
  • Phone, Whatsapp, Gtalk, Skype, E-mail
  • 1 month
  • Daily Reports, Basecamp, Asana, Worksnaps, Mantis
  • 8 USD

Presta Shop CMS

For representing your online business, the Prestashop CMS is helping you to create a distinct eCommerce website that can make your business stand apart in the crowd. As it is the most reliable and flexible website development software platform which has been prominently recognized for its development techniques in the eCommerce world.

Why Use Presta Shop as a CMS

Like the other website platform, Prestashop used as a CMS because it allows you to create, manage and delete the pages of your website and their content like the images, static blocks, and comes with many more features. It contains:

  • Layered navigation

  • Excellent compatibility

  • Superior security

  • Multiple Payment Gateway Support

Presta Shop Customization

E-Commerce adoption and technologies are growing and so is PRESTA SHOP. PRESTA SHOP is a feature-rich, professional open source E-Commerce platform solution that allows you to customize your website based upon your individual business requirements.

Need more information about PSD to Presta Shop Theme and to Hire Web Developer? Contact-us or for PSD to Presta Shop Theme Implementation.

  • PSD to Presta Shop theme customization.

  • Presta Shop theme creation.

  • Presta Shop custom module development.

  • Presta Shop theme/ template integration.

  • Presta Shop module installation.

  • Presta Shop CMS development & system design.

  • Presta Shop blog customization.

  • Presta Shop driven existing website modification.

Quick Enquiry

Our Process Timeline

Preliminary Requirements


Design The Requirements

Approvals & Revisions


Themeing & Customization

Functionality Development and Testing


Project Launch


Preliminary Requirements


Design The Requirements


Approvals & Revisions


Themeing & Customization


Functionality Development and Testing


Project Launch