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Hire Axure Designer

Parameters Hourly Weekly Monthly
Duration Hour Basis 40 hours 160 hours
Communication Phone, Whatsapp, Gtalk, Skype, E-mail
Min Hiring Period 20 hours 1 week 1 month
Project Trackers Daily Reports, Basecamp, Asana, Worksnaps, Mantis
Price 20 USD 15 USD 12 USD

Select Parameters

  • Duration
  • Communication
  • Min Hiring Period
  • Project Trackers
  • Price
  • Hour Basis
  • Phone, Whatsapp, Gtalk, Skype, E-mail
  • 20 hours
  • Daily Reports, Basecamp, Asana, Worksnaps, Mantis
  • 20 USD
  • 40 hours
  • Phone, Whatsapp, Gtalk, Skype, E-mail
  • 1 week
  • Daily Reports, Basecamp, Asana, Worksnaps, Mantis
  • 15 USD
  • 160 hours
  • Phone, Whatsapp, Gtalk, Skype, E-mail
  • 1 month
  • Daily Reports, Basecamp, Asana, Worksnaps, Mantis
  • 12 USD

Axure Designer

Using AXURE, you can easily create applications that run reliably and scale from 10 to 10 thousand or even 10 million users — without any additional coding. There is no matter what type of products you are working for, prototyping always plays a vital role for in successful projects. In this way, if you hire Web Crayons as the best Axure development company then you can easily increase the chances of success of your project.

Axure Customization

At Web Crayons, our developers have years of experience of working with the latest technologies and immense knowledge about Axure from basic syntax to interact with the database. With us, you get an assurance of excellence and quality.

Need more information about PSD to AXURE Theme and to Hire Web Designer? Contact-us or for PSD to AXURE Theme Implementation.

  • PSD to AXURE.

  • AXURE web design.

Quick Enquiry

Our Process Timeline

Preliminary Requirements


Design The Requirements

Approvals & Revisions


Themeing & Customization

Functionality Development and Testing


Project Launch


Preliminary Requirements


Design The Requirements


Approvals & Revisions


Themeing & Customization


Functionality Development and Testing


Project Launch